Spiritual Multitasking
GodiPod.com and the GodiPod blog are now live. (If you have no idea what I am talking about, check my post for Monday, October 3.)
Pastor Mark Batterson has some great thoughts on spiritual multitasking in the GodiPod blog. I won't try to summarize all he says because he says it much better than I can and you really should check out his article at http://www.godipod.com/2005/10/spiritual-multitasking-according-to.html
In case you don't have time to check the blog right now, here's a quick snippet:
"I've always thought that one key to spirituality over the long-haul is fitting God into the rhythm of our day. Maybe multitasking is the key.
Deuteronomy 6 is all about multitasking. It tells us how to impress the commandments on our children. It says, 'Talk about them when you sit at home and walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and your gates.'
In other words, surround yourself with God reminders."
Great idea. Whether it is with sermon podcasts, devotionals arriving via email, or--for those of us older and not so tech-savvy as Batterson--Post-It notes all over the dashboard and bathroom mirror, we need to remind ourselves of God and His Word all day. It may take some planning, but we need to constantly and consistently weave God into the rhythm of our day.
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