Lengthen My Days

It's all about getting God to the top of your "To Do" List

Thursday, December 08, 2005

More God Reminders

John Fischer, songwriter and author, writes a daily devotional for the Purpose Driven Life ministries. He recently recalled being inspired during his senior year at Wheaton by the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer to "keep on" with the faith. His roommate and he were so moved by Dr. Schaeffer's words that they stenciled "KEEP ON" repeatedly all over their room. I'm not sure how Wheaton College felt about this act of creativity and faith on the dorm room walls but years later John Fischer still writes about the importance of reminding ourselves to keep God first. He writes:

These visual reminders are important. The children of Israel were admonished to surround themselves with the word of God, not just figuratively, but by actually writing it on their doorposts and on their gates. God knows how easy it is for us to forget.

Whatever it takes to keep your mind focused on God's purposes -- whether it's a certain CD playing, a tape of scripture reading in your car for your daily commute, or a laminated sign over your computer -- we are forgetful people and we need to constantly see and hear reminders of what we have committed to doing and being.

What has God been saying to you lately? What does He want you to remember? Put it on your computer screen. Laminate it to your wall. Write it on your “doorposts and on your gates.” Whatever it takes. We aren't expected to follow without a struggle. We need reminders.

You can sign up for John Fischer's daily devotional and read his archives at the Purpose Driven Life site.


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