God Reminders
Let me expand on this idea of spiritual multitasking or giving ourselves little "God reminders" all day long. These small hits--listening to a sermon on your commute or praise music while you cook dinner--are not intended as a substitute for a deeper, quieter time alone with God each day. They are supplements that continue to remind us all day long of our core priority. They are necessary because we as humans are so easily distracted from living our lives with God in mind. We may set out with good intentions to love Him with all our hearts, souls, strength and minds, but soon our hearts are longing for things we see in magazines, our strength is sapped by worrying our way through the day and our minds are crammed with things like bills to pay, what we must get through at work tomorrow and who won which football game this weekend. God reminders bring us back and help us remember what is truly important, why we are living and where we will find fulfillment and a deeper level of joy.
So, what God reminders will work for you? Post-it notes on your calendar or in your locker? Signing up for an email devotional or two? Listening to the Bible read aloud on your iPod while you work out? Grabbing a few minutes of peaceful prayer while you walk round the block each evening?
Build some of these into your day a few at a time over the next several weeks. Before you know it, you'll be praying more continually, feeling God's presence more closely, and observing that your mind is being renewed by His Word and His presence.
From the Parable of the Sower, Jesus commenting on life's distractions:
"The thorny ground represents those who hear and accept the message, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the cares and riches and pleasures of this life. And so they never grow into maturity." Luke 8:14
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