Lengthen My Days

It's all about getting God to the top of your "To Do" List

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Giving God Time

Andrew Murray wrote in The Secret of Adoration:

Take time. Give God time to reveal Himself to you. Give yourself time to be silent and quiet before Him, waiting to receive, through the Spirit, the assurance of His presence with you, His power working in you. Take time to read His Word as in His presence, that from it you may know what He asks of you and what He promises you.

Giving God time to reveal Himself to us is really what we are doing as we establish our daily habits of prayer, Bible reading, and periods of quietness. Over the next couple days, think about how you did carving out space for these new habits this month. Is the time of day you have chosen to pray or read working or do you need to find something that will work better with your schedule? Is there another activity you are going to have to decide to eliminate to make some time? How are you doing with creating some peaceful silence? Are there any more sources of noise in your life you can just turn off?

Andrew Murray concludes that doing these things will “create around you, create within you, a holy atmosphere, a holy heavenly light, in which your soul will be refreshed and strengthened for the work of daily life.”


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